Automatic transmission without overspeed gear means that the speed of the vehicle has risen to the overspeed range in the course of driving, but the automatic transmission can not be replaced by the overspeed gear; or, after the speed has reached the overspeed range, the method of lifting the gear in advance, that is, to release the accelerator pedal after a few seconds and then step down, can not change automatically. The speed box rises to the overspeed gear.
After the vehicle goes to the maintenance site, if the vehicle is an automatic transmission of electronic control, it should first diagnose it and see if there is a fault code (if there is a fault code, according to the display code to find the corresponding fault). The failure of transmission oil temperature sensor, throttle position sensor and overspeed solenoid valve will affect the normal use of the overspeed gear.
Ji'nan automatic transmission maintenance overspeed switch failure will also lead to gearbox without overdrive. At ON position, the solution point of the overspeed switch should be disconnected and the closed overspeed indicator is not bright; at OFF position, the overspeed switch contact should be closed and the overspeed indicator light rises.
The check of gear switch and throttle position sensor is also a necessary process. The gear switch signal should be in accordance with the position of the control handle. The resistance or output voltage of the throttle position sensor should rise with the opening of the throttle valve and conform to the standard. If there is an exception, it should be adjusted or replaced according to circumstances.
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